How to control my robot with OSGAR? =================================== Is OSGAR useful for me? How can I use it with my robot? That could be one of the first questions when you encounter OSGAR Python library ... - PC, Python3, Raspberry, pip install osgar The first observation is that, similar to humans, every robot is specific, but there are some common features. If you are lucky and have some commonly used machine and sensors, all you need to do is pick appropriate configuration at `osgar/config `_ and that's it, you are ready. But typically this is not the case. So let's start with some hypothetical example, that you have differentially driven robot controlled over serial line. You have also GPS connected via USB. Attaching GPS ------------- We will start with GPS, which is more common and you can easily buy one for less than 20 USD (see `u-blox M8 `_ for example). The GPS typically uses USB-serial converter and is available on some COM port on Windows and /dev/tty* on Linux. We can use already configuration available on `github `_ .. code-block:: json { "version": 2, "robot": { "modules": { "gps": { "driver": "gps", "in": ["raw"], "out": ["position"], "init": {} }, "gps_serial": { "driver": "serial", "in": [], "out": ["raw"], "init": {"port": "COM5", "speed": 4800} } }, "links": [["gps_serial.raw", "gps.raw"]] } } You can see that there are two modules/nodes named "gps_serial" and "gps". "gps_serial" directly talks with your GPS device over serial line and receives bytes via "serial" driver. The "gps" is already NMEA parser of messages received via "raw" named input. The output is then "position" - two elements array with longitude and latitude in milliseconds (integer with scale factor 1/3600000). OK, but how it fits into my robot?! Check the "gps_serial" "init" section and setup your port ("COM5") and communication speed (4800). Save the configuration (say you name it "myrobot.json") and now we can test it without any programming that it works for your setup: .. code :: python -m osgar.record myrobot.json --duration=10 --note "my first GPS test" You can obtain all parameters for recorder via "-h" option: .. code :: python -m osgar.record -h In particular the configuration file parameter is required, but *duration* and *note* are optional. Nevertheless I would highly recommend to add notes to your robot trials as they are easy to add before start and priceless once you have to analyze some older log files. If everything went fine you will not see much yet: there should be newly created logfile named *myrobot-YYMMDD_hhmmss.json* where *YYMMDD_hhmmss* corresponds to date and time on your computer. Let's look in your log file for collected data: .. code :: python -m osgar.logger myrobot-YYMMDD_hhmmss.json --stream gps.position --times Depending on your specific GPS you will see 10 lines with timestamp (time zero corresponds to the beginning of the file) and your current position. If you want raw NMEA data (to upload to `Robotour Marathon 2019 `_ for example) use: .. code :: python -m osgar.logger myrobot-YYMMDD_hhmmss.json --stream gps_serial.raw --raw > marathon.nmea Is it working? If yes great, if not let us know or check the `OSGAR issues `_. Attaching motors ---------------- Now the harder part which will involve some programming, but you will also learn how to use OSGAR as a library. Suppose that there is no driver for your robot. In this case you will need to lookup the motor controller documentation and if you are the author following then section could help you to reasonably define the communication protocol. Again let's assume you can control the motors via serial line. This time surely on different port and maybe also with different communication speed but the rest will look very similar to GPS setup. At the moment we do not have "named driver" for your motor controller, so we will use (some would say misuse) generic "app" for "application code" and talk to motors directly. .. code-block:: json { "version": 2, "robot": { "modules": { "app": { "driver": "application", "in": ["raw"], "out": ["cmd"], "init": {"move_time_sec":4.0} }, "motor_serial": { "driver": "serial", "in": ["raw"], "out": ["raw"], "init": {"port": "COM7", "speed": 38400} } }, "links": [["motor_serial.raw", "app.raw"], ["app.cmd", "motor_serial.raw"]] } } Note other slight differences in this configuration (we dropped GPS part for the moment and we will integrate/merge it later). In particular communication with *motor_serial* is bidirectional, there is input and output (both named *raw* but the naming is up to you although there are some recommendations [TODO]). Also the speed and port are different. There is also extra parameter "move_time_sec" which will be later accessible within your code. Now it is time to code **: .. code-block:: python class MyRobot: def __init__(self, config, bus): self.bus = bus self.move_time_sec = config['move_time_sec'] def run(self): self.bus.publish('cmd', b'go\n') self.bus.sleep(self.move_time_sec) self.bus.publish('cmd', b'stop\n') self.bus.sleep(0.5) This is minimalistic code which will send command "go", wait number of seconds described in your configuration file, then "stop" and wait 0.5 second to see slowing down in your log file. Yes, surely your robot does not know commands like "go", maybe you need to send some PWM values like "127, 127\\n" for maximal speed forward or your motor driver requires binary encoding and you need to `struct.pack("BB", 127, 127)` to get your motors moving. That is the very specific part to your robot. The common part is that you can directly run this code with .. code :: python -m osgar.record myconf.json --app --duration 5 XXX limit by apptime? OR any finishes? After your test, when robot hopefully moved (BTW you already coded version for `Robot go straight! `_ competition) you can again have a look at your logfile: .. code :: python -m osgar.logger --list myconf-YYMMDD_hhmmss.log will show available streems and .. code :: python -m osgar.logger myconf-YYMMDD_hhmmss.log --stream app.cmd --times will display commands your "application" sent to motors. Note, that now you can also "replay" your log from real run: .. code :: python -m osgar.replay myconf-YYMMDD_hhmmss.log --module app --app XXX how to define "external app"? Now, depending on your motor driver, it will pass without any error or with warning that when you published your "stop" command the input queue was not processed for a very long time (in our example 4s). This is something what we will fix in the next step. Suppose that your motor controller reports status of your encoders every second (typically with much faster cycle). So there are pending messages your application did not read. Let's fix it: .. code-block:: python from datetime import timedelta class MyRobot: def __init__(self, config, bus): self.bus = bus self.move_time_sec = config['move_time_sec'] self.time = None def run(self): self.time = self.bus.publish('cmd', b'go\n') start_time = self.time while self.time - start_time < timedelta(seconds=self.move_time_sec): self.update() self.bus.publish('cmd', b'stop\n') def update(self): timestamp, channel, data = self.bus.listen() self.time = timestamp # TODO some processing with received data assert channel == 'raw', channel print(data) OK, now the main difference is usage internal `update()` function instead of `bus.sleep()`. It waits for input data (i.e. if your motor controller does not send any data it will not work), updates "system time" and at the moment only prints received data and verifies that you received data only from "raw" input. What is nice on this development cycle is that you can now process your collected data from real run and debug (or now develop) your parser for example. Creation of driver ------------------ The application written specific for your motor controller is nice, but all you achieved so far is that your robot moved almost straight for a couple of seconds. What next? With your hardware setup, you can use GPS to navigate to any GPS destination, and this algorithm is "generic" in the sense that other types of robots may reuse it. The price you have to pay is to write a "driver" with expected interfaces and then plug it in bigger setup. Let's begin with control of your robot. As mentioned at the beginning there are many types of robots: differentially driven like tanks (Eduro), car-like robots (John Deere) or some special kinds (Spider3). The recommended interface varies for the types, i.e. for our differential robot it is pair desired_speed and desired_angular_speed while for car-like robots it is desired_speed and desired_steering_angle. The values are in standard metric units, i.e. meters per second and radians per second where positive speed is forward and positive angular speed is mathematically anticlockwise. The commands are internally scaled and sent as integers. Currently speed is scaled 1000x (i.e. millimeters per second) and angle is in 1/100th of degree. These details should be transparent in later version of OSGAR. The robot driver should report its motion status, typically measured by encoders. Again there could be many times, with different resolution. While for HW is typical to send absolute counters as `uint8`, `uint16` or even `uint32` in the application we do not want to worry about motor reinitialization (typically reset absolute count to 0) or undefined initial value. The recommendation is to send all encoders as a list of signed integers in fixed time period. After scaling these values corresponds to robot speed and angular speed. The second common output is `pose2d`, which is integrated position based on odometry only. It takes into account robot dimensions (size of wheels, length of wheel base etc.) and publishes updates synchronously with encoders. Again position (x, y) is in meters and heading is in radians (starting from (0, 0, 0) position on init). The other modules/nodes then can easily see distance traveled without need of integration and knowledge of the robot motion model. The (x, y, heading) values are again scaled by 1000x (millimeters) and 1/100th of degree. Note, that heading is not corrected for 2PI and thus contains information how many times robot turned since program start. OK, so now we extended our robot interface, but how to make it available to others? At the moment there is only one option, which is to add your code into "osgar/drivers" directory and extend `` with your new name. We recommend to create pull-request on `github `_ so other could use it too. System integration ------------------ Now it is time to put it all together and gain from reused components. See configuration `ro2018-spider-gps-imu.json `_ as base and replace configuration of GPS with your and `spider` by your motor driver. The next step is to modify waypoints file `ro2018-czu-waypoints.json` and you can let your robot to automatically navigate to given GPS coordinates! We hoped you enjoyed your first mission :-)